is another thing I would like to mention, which is, speaking of others with too
great familiarity. Shall we not speak of our friend as Brother Joseph Hall
instead of Jo Hall, especially as the gentleman is one of your Ward Teachers?
Remember him as an officer in the church of which you are a member. Strive to
emulate the calling and mission of the Teachers, guardians of peace and guides
to truth. Well, if you think "that's as good as a motto," write it on
your book-mark, for it is true. The Teachers have your welfare more closely in
view than even your Bishop. Their frequent visits have given them an insight
into your heart; they know your life and circumstances. In sickness they are to
be depended upon for consolation and spiritual aid ; you can go to them for
counsel, for advice in worldly matters, and if you are in sorrow you can
confide in them. You may think their office a small one, but I can tell you the
Teachers of the Ward are like the index to the book ; go to them for what you
want to find. Boys, you can never become a Bishop, President of a Stake, or
attain to any other high calling until you have qualified yourselves as
Teachers. Therefore, honor them and strive to win and keep their confidence.