5. A Pit
Brimmed with Water
Long ago, a pond was dug
by a very affluent king and it was announced that one person from each
household would have to bring a glass of milk during the night and pour it into
the pond. So, the pond should be full of milk by the morning. After receiving
the order, everybody went home. One of the denizens of the kingdom made up his
mind to take milk but after pondering for a while he thought, “Since everyone
will bring milk, I could pour water in place of milk because it would be hard
to see in the twilight.” He quickly poured the water and came back. In the
morning the king was astonished to see the pond filled with water only. It so
happened that everyone thought like the denizen, “I will not pour the milk;
someone else will do.”
Moral: Don't neglect your
TAGS: language development in children,Inspirational Moral Stories,very short stories with morals,stories to read for kids.