The Clever Lamb and the Strong Wolf #Inspirational Moral Stories

The Clever Lamb and the Strong Wolf #Inspirational Moral Stories

SHYAMPRASAD +91 8099099083
1 minute read


3. The Clever Lamb and the Strong Wolf

Once a lamb was taking pleasure of sweet grass at the edge of the field with a flock of sheep. She was enjoying herself so much that she went farther and farther and didn't notice a wolf coming nearer to her. When she was pounced upon by the wolf, the lamb begged him to wait a while and stated when her stomach was full of grass, she would be more tastier. Then he could devour her. Finding this a good idea he sat down and waited. The lamb asked the wolf to permit her to dance, so the grass would be digested faster in her stomach. Again, the wolf agreed. The dancing lamb got a new idea to make him ring the bell as hard as he could, so she could dance even faster. The wolf rang a bell as hard as he could. The shepherd heard the bell ringing and quickly sent his dogs to find the missing lamb. The barking dogs frightened the wolf away and saved the lamb's life.

Moral: A little creature can sometime be dominating.

TAGS: language development in children,Inspirational Moral Stories,very short stories with morals,stories to read for kids.

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