The Fox and the Stork #Inspirational Moral Stories

The Fox and the Stork #Inspirational Moral Stories

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29. The Fox and the Stork

Once a stork was invited to the dinner by a selfish fox at his home. The stork reached the fox's home and knocked at the door with her long beak. The fox welcomed her with open arms and offered to have dinner together. The fox served soup in shallow

bowls for both. As the bowl was too shallow for the stork's beak, she couldn't have any of it but the fox licked up all his soup very quickly. The poor stork went ballistic but remained polite and ravenous.

To show retaliation against the fox, the stork also invited him to the dinner next day. This time again, soup was served, but in tall jugs. The stork devoured the soup easily but the fox couldn't reach inside the tall jug. This time the fox remained famished.

Moral: A selfish act can backfire on you.

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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