The Witty Mother Duck and the Greedy Fox #Inspirational Moral Stories

The Witty Mother Duck and the Greedy Fox #Inspirational Moral Stories

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11. The Witty Mother Duck and the Greedy Fox

Once a mother duck with her ducklings was proceeding towards a lake. The ducklings happily followed their mother quacking along the way. Suddenly, she saw a fox in the distance. She got frightened and shouted to move hurriedly to the lake to her ducklings as there's a fox. The ducklings hurried towards the lake. The mother duck pondered what to do. She began to walk back and forth dragging one wing on the ground. When the fox saw her, he became happy. He thought, ‘She seemed to be hurt, so I can catch and eat her.’ Then he ran towards her. The mother duck ran, leading the fox away from the lake. Now the ducklings were safe; they had reached the lake. She stopped and took a deep breath of relief. As soon as the fox was coming closer to her, she quickly spread her wings and flew away. Finally, she landed in the middle of the lake and joined the ducklings. The fox kept staring at them astonishingly.

Moral: All mothers sacrifice for their children first.

TAGS: language development in children,Inspirational Moral Stories,very short stories with morals,stories to read for kids.

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