Distance #Inspirational Moral Stories

Distance #Inspirational Moral Stories

SHYAMPRASAD +91 8099099083


46. Distance

Once upon a time, it rained heavily for several days resulting in floods. Many houses collapsed and household articles got carried away with the flood-water. As a matter of chance, two pitchers were also carried away by the flowing tide. One of them was made of brass while the other of baked clay. The brass pitcher was so strong, that, it could be tossed against anything. But the clay pitcher was in ever-present danger of being broken if it got struck against something. The clay pitcher was alarmed by danger. The brass pitcher looked at it and said, “Brother! Be close to me; I shall protect you in every way.” The clay pitcher thought wisely and retorted, “Brother! It would surely be worse for me, if we come closer. If I keep at a distance from you, I may float to safety.” So, the clay pitcher stood away from the brass pitcher and safely reached the shore.

Moral: Little distance enhances love.

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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