47. Effect of
Once a guru went to a
forest in search of remedy. A hunter had also gone there for hunting animals and
a solider also arrived there. All of three felt thirsty. They saw a hut in the
forest in which a blind man was sitting. The hunter went there and said, “O
blind man, make me drink water; otherwise, your pot of water would be broken by
me.” The blind man didn't give water to him and moved him away. Then the
soldier came to him and said, “O blind man, give me water and take anything you
want.” Hearing this the man got angry and moved him away as well. The guru went
to the blind man and addressed him politely and very humbly asked for water. Hearing
a very gentle voice the man said, “I have become satisfied that you arrived in
my hut; take and drink water.” After drinking water the guru told, “When a
hunter and a soldier came and asked water, you denied. But when I came and
asked water, you gave water. Why is it so?” Then the blind man replied that it
all depended upon the voice of a person.
Moral: Voice should be humble
and gentle.
TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.