Family #Inspirational Moral Stories

Family #Inspirational Moral Stories

SHYAMPRASAD +91 8099099083


48. Family

A cute son was desperately waiting for his dad, who got late from office and was exasperated due to some problem. No sooner had he opened the door for his dad than he started showering questions about his income. It infuriated father much more and he replied it was none of his business but again, the child asked how much money he made in an hour. Father angrily replied ₹20. The son now demanded for his one hour earning, ₹20. Father said, “You are brought every toy and chocolate you need. How dare you ask me for money?" He rebuked him. He soon realized his mistake of being harsh to his delicate child. So he gave him ₹10, but the child had already ₹10. Again, that agitated father, but the son soothingly pacified him by saying, “Here is ₹20; now can I buy an hour of your time? Please come home early tomorrow so that we may have dinner with you."

Moral: Spending time with family enhances love.

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