Miracle of Meditation #Inspirational Moral Stories

Miracle of Meditation #Inspirational Moral Stories

SHYAMPRASAD +91 8099099083


59. Miracle of Meditation

Once a man killed a person. So the soldiers of that kingdom were told to catch him by the king. He kept running in order to save his life from the soldiers. Then he reached near a river, but he found difficult to cross the river, and he didn't want to be caught as well. Then he saw a saint applying ash on his body, sitting riverside. He was busy in meditation. The culprit also decided to sit, applying ash on his body. He was enjoying that moment. The soldiers of the king reached there, chasing him. When they saw saints sitting there, they touched their feet. Seeing this, the culprit was astonished, “I am only a fake saint but what they felt, they touched my feet.” Then he thought if untruth was such powerful, then truth must be super powerful. Touching their feet the soldiers went from there, but from that day on the killer totally changed himself and gave up bad deeds.

Moral: Truth is more powerful than untruth.

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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