Path of Salvation #Inspirational Moral Stories

Path of Salvation #Inspirational Moral Stories

SHYAMPRASAD +91 8099099083


60. Path of Salvation

Once prince Siddhartha was wandering in a garden. Meanwhile, he saw a shepherd driving 10-11 sheep and goats. The prince asked the shepherd where he was taking all animals cruelly. The shepherd replied that all these animals were being taken for sacrifice in a special ceremony of king Bindsar. The prince followed the shepherd to the place where worship was going to be held. After sometime prince Siddhartha reached that place and resisted king Bindsar by adding the fact of life. He said, “Animals are also like humans; they have their families. Then why do we take their life for our purposes? Killing animals never give us salvation. It gives us a kind of unsatisfaction. So we should stop doing all these things and never imprison animals.”

Moral: Don't hurt others for own purpose.

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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