33. The Diamond Necklace
A king, once presented his daughter an engagingly beautiful diamond necklace. She loved the gift and kept it in her room. But somehow it went missing that made the king and the princess perplexed. The king then announced to reward of ₹ 50,000 to the one who would return it. All people along with the courtiers searched for the necklace but couldn't find it. A few days passed; a tailor saw the necklace in a filthy and polluted river on his way. The necklace could give him ₹ 50,000. He went near the river and tried to have it but he couldn't. The necklace was still there; this time, his greed led him to jump into the river that dirtied him from head to toe. Again, he failed; that made him really wretched. He was offered by a saint for help who was coming by him. The tailor unwillingly revealed the truth as the saint made him promise not to tell anyone. Now the saint showed him the necklace hanging in a branch upward. The tailor gave the necklace to the king and received ₹ 50,000.
Moral: Surrounding knowledge also produces result.
TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.