The Peacock and the Crane #Inspirational Moral Stories

The Peacock and the Crane #Inspirational Moral Stories

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54. The Peacock and the Crane

Once a peacock was dancing in a forest spreading his feathers out. No doubt, he looked very beautiful and felt proud of his feathers. Suddenly, a crane came there. He wished the peacock and they started talking. While talking, the peacock looked at the feathers of the crane with hatred. The crane asked the peacock, “Why are you looking at me like this?” The peacock replied, “I am looking at your dull feathers; they have no lustre and beauty. See mine; how attractive they are! Nature has done so much injustice to you- such a strong bird and so dull feathers. This is really a pity.” The crane replied, “Nature has always been fair with every creature. Though you have beautiful feathers while mine are dull, yet I can fly high in the clouds and you can't do that at all.” The peacock felt ashamed and begged the crane's pardon.

Moral: We should not criticize anybody's appearance.

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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