61. The Peacock's
Ugly Voice
It was a fine day during
the rainy season. A peacock was dancing happily in a forest. Suddenly, he was
reminded of his ugly rough voice. His face turned pale and his eyes started
watering. Suddenly, he saw a nightingale sitting on a nearby tree and singing.
Listening to her voice, the peacock lamented, “What a sweet voice she has!
Everybody praises but when I utter a sound, everybody makes fun of me. How
jinxed I am!” Just then, there appeared, the goddess. She asked the peacock,
“Why are you sad?” The peacock sobbed out, “I have got such a beautiful body
that is praised by all but my voice is so bad that everyone laughs at it. So
this beauty is useless.” The goddess replied, “You are the only one who is
unhappy. Several creatures have been gifted by God with various gifts like- you
the beauty, eagle the strength, nightingale the sweet voice, so on and so
forth. So don't grumble over your weakness; accept the way it is and be happy.”
Moral: One should not regret on what one doesn't have. Rather, be satisfied with what we have.
TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.