The Shepherd's Proposal #Inspirational Moral Stories

The Shepherd's Proposal #Inspirational Moral Stories

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32. The Shepherd's Proposal

One cold morning, a poor shepherd was grazing his cattle in a pasture. He had neither enough clothes to wear nor even a pair of shoes. Suddenly, a man came there on a horse, a notorious dacoit. He dismounted, went to the shepherd and said, “Come and work with me. I will give you clothes and shoes.” But the shepherd denied going with the dacoit. Hearing this the dacoit was baffled and started to beat him. Again, the dacoit said to him, “You will not have to worry even for your food.” At this the shepherd replied, “In spite of doing a very simple work, I can manage two loaves of bread for myself. I am content being a shepherd. At least I have peace of mind which you don't have.” Hearing this, the dacoit got stunned and immediately went to the police station and surrendered.

Moral: Peace of mind is more necessary than luxury of life.

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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