The Teacher and the Boy #Inspirational Moral Stories

The Teacher and the Boy #Inspirational Moral Stories

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37. The Teacher and the Boy

“Who did it.” a teacher was asking the class again and again. But she couldn't get the answer. The teacher again asked, “Who did it?” Covering some steps again she got nothing.

After sometime the head boy, collecting courage raised his hand and confessed his fault. Hesitatingly he said, “Yes ma’m; I have broken the glass but not deliberately, and I want to atone for my fault. Please pardon me.”

By hearing this the teacher didn't say anything. She went to the library and bought a book, and gave to the boy by saying, “I am giving you this book as reward not for breaking the glass but for accepting your fault. And I am glad to see that my labour of nurturing good habits in you has worked.”

Moral: Honesty can reform the mistake.

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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