The Wise Boy and the Merchant #Inspirational Moral Stories

The Wise Boy and the Merchant #Inspirational Moral Stories

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51. The Wise Boy and the Merchant

Once a merchant with his horse carrying two sacks of wheat was on his way to the market. Meanwhile, the merchant got exhausted and decided to take a nap. When he woke up, he didn't find his horse and started searching for it everywhere. On the way he met a boy. He asked the boy about the horse. The boy asked, “Is the horse's left eye blind, his right foot lame and is he carrying a load of wheat?” “Exactly. Where have you kept my horse?” The boy said that he had not seen that. The merchant angrily decided to take the boy to the village chief for punishment. The judge asked, “If you had not seen the horse, how could you describe it?” The boy replied that he guessed by seeing different, heavy and light tracks of the horse, and the grass on the right side of the road was eaten but the grass on the left was not. From these facts he understood that the horse was lame and blind in one eye and the scattered seeds of wheat indicated a horse carrying a load of wheat. The judge and the merchant understood his cleverness.

Moral: One should not be quick in judging people.

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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