True Friendship #Inspirational Moral Stories

True Friendship #Inspirational Moral Stories

SHYAMPRASAD +91 8099099083


52. True Friendship

Two very fast friends were really dejected, because of exploitation by their cruel king. One of the friends decided to raise his voice against the king. When the king came to know this, he sentenced the boy to death. Before hanging, the boy expressed a wish to meet his family. But the king rejected the request. Seeing this the other friend again requested the king to permit his friend to go his family and also added he should be hanged, in case his friend did not return. The king accepted his condition and gave six days' ultimatum to come back. Till then his friend was kept in observation as prisoner. Six days passed; he didn't return. So his friend was to be hanged. But at the eleventh hour he came and said to hang him. But his friend offered him to go back to his family and was ready to be hanged. Long arguments between them for each other's life were really poignant. It shed tears from the king's eyes, and the king decided to appoint them court advisers.

Moral: Tenderness makes progress.

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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