The Best Engineer #Inspirational Moral Stories

The Best Engineer #Inspirational Moral Stories

SHYAMPRASAD +91 8099099083


79. The Best Engineer

There lived a good engineer who was so proud of his work. Once he went to a village for some work, passing many villages and fields. On his way he saw a creeper of pumpkin carried with many pumpkins. After going ahead he saw a big banyan tree, on which many small fruits were there. Seeing this he became surprised and mockingly said how amazing God's creation was. A weak creeper was carrying big pumpkins and a big tree was carrying only small fruits. He went from there. After completing his work when he again returned, he felt exhausted. So he decided to take a nap under a banyan tree's shade. When he woke up, he saw many small fruits around himself. Now he mockingly laughed at himself, “If the banyan tree had fruits as big as pumpkins and they had fallen on his head he would have died.” Now he understood that God is the best engineer.

Moral: Mysterious are the ways of God.

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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