The King and God #Inspirational Moral Stories

The King and God #Inspirational Moral Stories

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69. The King and God

There was a kind-hearted and generous king. Once there spread famine in his kingdom. There remained nothing to eat, so the king ordered to open the godown of the grains of his kingdom so that poor people might also get benefited and eat the food of the kitchen of his palace. Finally, that time when nothing remained to eat for the king's family even, a stranger appeared with a big bowl filled with kheer made of milk, sugar and rice, in front of the king. The king first of all made his servants to eat. His all servants and family member ate the kheer. Nothing remained for the king. Then God appeared and said, “I am impressed with your benevolence; ask for something you need.” Then the king fell at God's feet and said, “I don't want anything but a heart filled with kindness which can feel the pain of others.”

Moral: Kindness can let you meet God.

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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