The Monkey and Two Cats #Inspirational Moral Stories

The Monkey and Two Cats #Inspirational Moral Stories

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71. The Monkey and Two Cats

Once upon a time, two cats found a piece of bread and cut it into two pieces. But one piece was slightly bigger than the other. Both the cats wanted the bigger piece. Then they went to a monkey, who was taking a rest in the branch of a tree. They asked him to sort out the matter. The monkey said, “Don't worry. I'll make both the pieces equal.” Then it took a bite from the bigger piece. But this made the other piece larger. So it took a bite from the other piece. This continued till the pieces became very small. Seeing this, the cats pleaded, “Sir! We are satisfied. Let us have the pieces now.” The shrewd monkey replied, “This is my fee for sorting out the problem.” Saying this, it gobbled up the remaining bread. Two cats only kept looking at the face of each other.

Moral: Don't believe in a shrewd judge.

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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