64. The Rose
and the Lily
Once there was a gardener
having a beautiful garden of flower-plants-mostly rose plants. By chance a lily
plant blossomed near a rose-bush. A lily plant is believed to yield flowers
that never fade and have an everlasting beauty. But the rose flowers have a
short life. The lily said to the rose, “How beautiful you are! What an aroma
you possess! No wonder, you are universally a favourite flower. I really envy
you.” The rose replied, “You wouldn't have said so, if you had known the
reality. My bloom is very short-lived. I bloom in the morning and by sunset I
begin to lose shine. By the next morning I fade completely and then I die. But
you are known to have flowers that never fade even if they have been cut.
Beauty is only a nine-day wonder.”
Moral: Eternal beauty is more
necessary than outer beauty.
TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.