The Selfish Dove #Inspirational Moral Stories

The Selfish Dove #Inspirational Moral Stories

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67. The Selfish Dove

Once in a country, a very devastating famine occurred which caused many creatures to die before time. There lived a group of doves. The oldest dove said to them to move towards a mountainous place, where they could at least have little grains. But they found nothing. Among them there was a greedy dove, who only wanted to mitigate his pang of hunger. So he ventured to the bottom of the mountain in search of grains. He secretly went to have that. Fortunately, he saw many carts full of crops with holes in it. The roads were littered with seeds that he could eat. The same thing continued for many days. One day, he was eating the crop but engrossed in his profit only. He could not notice the coming cart and was crushed as wheat in machine. He died and the flying old dove saw his tattered body. The old dove took no time to understand everything.

Moral: Selfishness brings mishap.

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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