The Wife and the Husband #Inspirational Moral Stories

The Wife and the Husband #Inspirational Moral Stories

SHYAMPRASAD +91 8099099083


74. The Wife and the Husband

Once a wife and her husband were going to their village sitting on a horse. On the way, many people looked at them and said, “Both of them are sitting on a weak horse.” To hear this the wife jumped off the horse. As they moved, they met many people who said, “Look at the husband; he is sitting on a horse and his flower-like wife is on foot.” Hearing this the husband also jumped off the horse and made his wife to sit on the horse. When people saw this, they again said, “How is she? She is on the horse but her husband is on foot." Now both started to walk on foot. When people saw this, they said, “How foolish both are! In spite of having a horse, both are walking on foot.” Both the husband and the wife felt embarrassed and thinking on this matter decided not to hear others and sat on the horse and moved ahead.

Moral: People always say different things; we shouldn't follow them.

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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