Two Cockroaches #Inspirational Moral Stories

Two Cockroaches #Inspirational Moral Stories

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78. Two Cockroaches

Once, two cockroaches, which were young and full of energy, lived in a house and played with each other. Both were energetic and strong but there was a difference between them. One cockroach was optimistic and always lived in hope, while the other was pessimistic and lived in despair. One day, they fell into a pot of milk. They swam and tried to hop out, but, as there was no solid support under their feet, it was not possible for the cockroaches to hop out from the pot. After some struggle, the pessimistic cockroach was drowned. On the other hand, the optimistic cockroach kept on struggling, saying to itself, “It seems difficult but who knows! Maybe some miracle will occur. If I try a little longer, something good might happen.” Soon the cockroach was able to climb up the heap of butter and hopped out of the pot. Positive thinking had saved the life of the cockroach.

Moral: Nothing is impossible as long as you don't give up.

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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