Ramu, the Dreamer #Inspirational Moral Stories

Ramu, the Dreamer #Inspirational Moral Stories

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97. Ramu, the Dreamer

Once, there was a beggar named Ramu, who used to go door to door to beg. From begging he had collected a pot full of flour, which he had kept hanging over his cot. One day after begging, he lay on his cot and started dreaming, gazing at that pot. He was dreaming that he would sell the flour and would get money. From that money he would buy a goat; that goat would bear many lamps. Then he would sell them and from that money he would buy a cow and the cow would bear calves. Then he would sell them and from that money he would buy precious jewels. And after becoming rich he would ask the king's daughter to marry him. After marrying the princess he would be more rich. Then from her wife he would have a son, who would be loved most but whenever he would do any mischievous work he would be punished. Suddenly, Ramu in his dream kicked his leg and his pot of flour fell down and broke into a thousand pieces. The flour scattered on the floor and got wasted.

Moral: Don't make castles in the air.

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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