The Club 99 #Inspirational Moral Stories

The Club 99 #Inspirational Moral Stories

SHYAMPRASAD +91 8099099083

104. The Club 99

Long ago, a king looked unhappy in spite of having prosperity and luxury in his life. Pang of nostalgia always pervaded him. One day, the king felt amazed to see the cheerful servant, who always appeared with a contented face. The king summoned the servant, who revealed the secret of his happiness, i.e. his family's satisfaction with what he had. But he again called the minister to know broadly how an ordinary servant was living his life happily. “Majesty! It is the miracle of club 99. If you want to be happy, join it. Take a bag of 99 gold coins and leave them in front of the servant's house at night,” the minister replied. The king did the same as the minister suggested for ecstasy. Next morning, the king observed anxiety and unsatisfaction on the servant's face for making 99 coins into 100. Now the king understood what 99 club was, and why the servant was happy. The more he was unexpectedly given, the more he wanted to enhance.

Moral: Desires never end and avarice brings uncertainty in life.

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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