The Jackal's Treat #Inspirational Moral Stories

The Jackal's Treat #Inspirational Moral Stories

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105. The Jackal's Treat

Once, a hunter, who was very well versed in archery, had gone to a forest to hunt a animal. Then he saw a boar and shot a sharp arrow directly to the boar's back. The arrow tore at the boar's back and caused a deep wound. In writhing pain and anger the wild boar rushed at the hunter and pierced his stomach with its sharp and pointed fangs. At once the proud hunter and the wild boar lay dead due to their injuries. After sometime a jackal passed from there and became happy to see such a wonderful feast. The jackal proceeded to taste his succulent treat. Just as he bit into the boar's flesh, the pointed arrow pierced the top of his mouth and came out between his eyes. Soon the jackal too lay dead as the hunter and the boar.

Moral: Think twice before you act.

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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