The Mysterious Seed #Inspirational Moral Stories

The Mysterious Seed #Inspirational Moral Stories

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96. The Mysterious Seed

Once a king's deteriorating health led him to pa take a decisive step of choosing a responsible king for kingdom. So he summoned all the adults of his kingdom and gave each a seed. The adults were said to come after one year with healthy plants, so the best blossomed plant would decide the next king of the kingdom. All the adults happily left the court with a hope of becoming the king. A boy among them, Roshan, sowed the seed, watered regularly and took great care of the plant but he felt daunted to see no growth in the seed. After one year, all the adults gathered with the flowery pots in their hands except Roshan, who brought mere an empty pot in his hands and felt embarrassed. The king observed the plants of all he had and stopped at once near Roshan and asked why an empty pot he was carrying. He shakingly answered that his one-year labour bore nothing. But he had been chosen as the king, as he had showed honesty. Actually, the king had given all the adults boiled seeds that couldn't be flourished into any plant.

Moral: Honesty makes you sublime.

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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