Two Strangers and the Old Man #Inspirational Moral Stories

Two Strangers and the Old Man #Inspirational Moral Stories

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109. Two Strangers and the Old Man

Once a stranger entered a village and saw an old man. Then he asked the old man. “How are the people of his village? Are they good or cruel?" The old man didn't reply but asked him the same question, about the behaviour of the people of his village. Then the stranger replied angrily, “They are so cruel and bad.” The old man replied that the villagers of his village were the same as the villagers of the stranger's village. After sometime another stranger came in the village and he also asked, “How are the people of the old man's village?” The old man again didn't reply but asked him the same question. Then the stranger replied that they were so generous and kind. The old man also said that the villagers of his village were also so kind and generous. Then the first stranger asked, “Why did you give the different answers to the same question.” The old man replied, “You will be treated as you behave with others.”

Moral: The world is like a mirror.

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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