Victory over Defeat
Sometime, even an assiduous work done
follows mistakes that give fragile disappointment and discomfiture, but it
doesn't mean the whole work is ruined or our labor went in vain with a futile
attempt. One day, an ordinary scientist named Thomas Alva Edison used two
thousand materials in search of a filament for the light bulb. The first time
in his experiment he didn't succeed and some faults resisted him to achieve.
Yet, he diligently tried again and again. But all his efforts didn't lead to
complacency. Then his assistants scornfully said, “All our work has gone in
vain and success wouldn't be in our favor.” Edison retained his composure and
told, “This mistake taught us a lesson that these two thousand materials can't
be used for making a good light bulb.” Now that scientist is remembered as a
great inventor of the bulb. His indomitable will made him a predominant
Practice makes you perfect.
TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.