Who will Bell the Cat? #Inspirational Moral Stories

Who will Bell the Cat? #Inspirational Moral Stories

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110. Who will Bell the Cat?

In the 20th century, in a palace, a king was really worried about the increasing number of rats, so he reared a cat, who could diminished the rats. The petrified rats called a meeting and decided to tie a bell in the cat's neck. But the cowardly rats couldn't do that and said that it was not involved mythological in their holy book to tie the bell, so they left the task. Fleeting time passed and there came the 21st century and a new generation of rats came who were clever-cum-intelligent. Their grandparents suggested to be alert of the cats, but the new generation promised to tie the bell. All were amazed and asked how they made it. They bravely replied that they went to a chemist shop, brought some sleeping pills and mixed them in the milk of the cat. When the cat drank and slept, they tied the bell.

Moral: Intelligence opens the path.

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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