128. The
Wise King
In a country,
kings had to follow a ritual to leave their possessions and place after one
year's reign. They had to face imminent fear of spending the rest of their life
in a remote island, littered with dense forests and scary creatures. The same
thing happened with a king after one year, who was attired in expensive clothes
and lifted on an elephant for the farewell to the island. People were anxious
for the next king. At the very time they saw a ship with a man that had sunk
recently. They chose him as a new king. When the king was told about the rules,
he decreased extravagancy of the kingdom and utilized all money in transforming
the island into an abode so that he might live there. Now the same island
flourished as a garden and many domestics were sent there for rearing. Even he
kept his earning safe for future provisions. Now the day came when he had to
visit the island but his cheers unlike the other kings, amazed the people.
Actually, the wise king, being very visionary, thought for his future, which
presented him a happy life.
Wisdom can deceive fate.
TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.