13. Selfless Service #Inspirational Moral Stories

13. Selfless Service #Inspirational Moral Stories

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13. Selfless Service #Inspirational Moral Stories

Naomi's father was a renowned doctor and he owned a hospital. One day, Naomi went running to her father and said, "Dad, Jane has hurt her leg. Please help her." Jane was Naomi's best friend. After the check-up, Naomi's father said to her, 'Jane's leg is fractured. I have asked a nurse to take care of her. You be with her, too. Now I have to leave." Soon, the nurse came to see Jane. After she had left, Jane complained about her to Naomi. "The nurse is very forgetful." Naomi told the same to her father. Naomi's father was a considerate man. He called the nurse and asked her how she was doing. The nurse said, "Sir, I have hurt my ankle. Due to the pain, I keep forgetting things. Yet, I do not want to rest at home as patients will be inconvenienced without me." Naomi and Jane felt bad for the nurse. 

 Moral of the Story: The moral of the story is that selfless service, dedication, and consideration for others' well-being should be appreciated and respected. It teaches us the importance of empathy and understanding.

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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