140. The Newborn #Inspirational Moral Stories

140. The Newborn #Inspirational Moral Stories

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140. The Newborn #Inspirational Moral Stories

Elisa had a baby brother. She was very happy when he was born. She would never leave her mother's side. She loved her brother dearly. "He has got such tiny hands and feet!" she would exclaim ... But as time went by, Elisa noticed that her parents were always showering their attention on her brother. She felt that her parents loved her less. So she said, "Mother, why don't you send him away?" Her mother said, "I love your brother and I love you, too. Your brother needs me and you, his elder sister, to take care of him." Then her father explained, "He doesn't know how to do anything; that's why we help him. That doesn't mean we love you any less." Elisa understood what her parents said. She promised to take care of her brother at all times and said, "We all love him. We won't send him away."

Moral of the Story: This story teaches us that the arrival of a new sibling does not diminish a parent's love for their existing children.

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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