#Inspirational Moral Stories
Tarla, a poor man,
worked in the fields with his wife. One day, they made the
field ready for
sowing and left. The next morning, the field was as before, so
they had to dig
again. The third day, again the field appeared untilled. Tarla
stayed back that
night. He saw a beautiful bird settled on the bush where he
was hiding, which
began singing to the field to turn around! And the field
turned around! Tarla
was about to kill it, when the frightened bird promised
to give him and his
family a lot of milk if he let it live on. Tarla told the bird
first to have the
field turned around, ready for sowing. The bird did that.
Then, Tarla placed
the bird into a bag and carried it home.
Tarla took care of
the bird and daily it gave a lot of milk, which Tarla and his
family drank
heartily. They became healthy. When the villagers asked about
the secret of their
health, Tarla distributed the milk to them also, and they
were overjoyed.
TAGS: language development in
children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories
to read for kids.