23. THE TWO FRIENDS AND THE PLANE TREE #Inspirational Moral Stories

23. THE TWO FRIENDS AND THE PLANE TREE #Inspirational Moral Stories

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23. THE TWO FRIENDS AND THE PLANE TREE #Inspirational Moral Stories


Jack and John, two friends, were going somewhere and had been trudging

along on a hot summer day. At noon, they reached a huge meadow. Coming

across a large tree, they sat down beneath it, feeling hot, tired, and thirsty. As

they still had to travel a few hours more, they removed their backpacks,

deciding to rest. Feeling the pangs of hunger and thirst, they took out their

water bottles and began eating their lunch. While eating his food, Jack asked

his friend: ‘Do you know what this tree is called?’ John answered: ‘It’s a

plain tree.’

‘Is it so?’ said Jack. ‘It’s got huge leaves and a strong trunk. But no edible

fruits. It’s quite useless!’

As the tree heard the two friends talking, it felt deeply offended. It fretted:

‘How ungrateful can one be? They are sitting in my shade. I’m sheltering

them from the sun, but they don’t want to thank me, and don’t appreciate my


TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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