24. BOILED EGGS AND BOILED POTATOES #Inspirational Moral Stories

24. BOILED EGGS AND BOILED POTATOES #Inspirational Moral Stories

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24. BOILED EGGS AND BOILED POTATOES #Inspirational Moral Stories


A young man, John, left his city to make his fortune, and returned after many

years as a rich person. Taking undue advantage, a cunning shopkeeper sent a

dozen boiled eggs to John’s home and, later, charged him a thousand ducats

for these! John refused to pay such a high price, and the shopkeeper took him

to court. The trial had begun when John reached the court. The shopkeeper

pleaded that he’d asked John to pay a thousand ducats for a dozen eggs,

because a dozen chicks would have been hatched from these, to become hens

later. These would have multiplied year after year, and he’d have got a big

hen house. When the judge asked John why he had reached late, John said

that he had boiled some potatoes and sowed them in a field, to get a rich

harvest of potatoes the next year. The astonished judge asked: ‘How can

boiled potatoes yield a good harvest?’ John shot back: ‘Just as boiled eggs

can bear chicks!’

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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