26. THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH #Inspirational Moral Stories

26. THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH #Inspirational Moral Stories

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26. THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH #Inspirational Moral Stories


An old woodsman, Yoshida, and his wife, Fumi, were happy to have lived for

long together, but were saddened to think that one day death would separate


Yoshida once went to the forest but lost his way. Reaching a spring, he drank

some water. At once, he found himself to be healthy and young as a twentythree

year old! Realising the spring had a magical quality, he returned and

told the astonished Fumi about it. She also went to the stream. Hours ticked

by. Fumi did not return. Yoshida went to the stream, and found a baby girl

lying there! Fumi had drunk a huge amount of the magical water! Yoshida

looked after her, and they lived happily for a long, long time.

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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