27. THE FAITHFUL MONGOOSE #Inspirational Moral Stories

27. THE FAITHFUL MONGOOSE #Inspirational Moral Stories

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27. THE FAITHFUL MONGOOSE #Inspirational Moral Stories


A young husband and wife, Indi and Lavea, took turns to look after their dear

baby boy. They had a pet mongoose. One day, Lavea went down to the river,

leaving the baby with his father. Shortly after, a royal messenger came to

summon Indi to the palace. Indi left the baby boy in the care of their

mongoose, a creature that is unafraid of snakes. The mongoose sat beside the

infant’s cot. A huge python suddenly came in through the window. The alert

mongoose killed it!

On his return, Indi first saw the mongoose, whose mouth and paws were

soaked in blood. Fearing the worst, he began beating the mongoose! When he

had given up on the mongoose and entered the house, he saw that his child

was peacefully asleep, while a dead python lay beside its cot. Indi was filled

with remorse for having doubted the faithful animal. The young parents

began to treat the loyal mongoose with more love and care.

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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