30. JACK AND THE COMET #Inspirational Moral Stories

30. JACK AND THE COMET #Inspirational Moral Stories

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30. JACK AND THE COMET #Inspirational Moral Stories


Jack fared poorly at studies but he was well-intentioned, and keenly

interested in everything. When his school teacher told them about comets,

Jack asked when would a comet appear. The teacher said: ‘It’s come already.

Haven’t you seen it?’

Jack replied that he hadn’t and asked how he could see it. His teacher told

him that he could see it that very night by going into his vegetable garden.

The next morning, when his teacher asked Jack if he had seen the comet, Jack

replied that though he’d gone out at night to his vegetable garden, he could

not see the comet. The teacher thought perhaps Jack had not looked properly,

but he insisted that he’d searched hard and for long. The astonished teacher

asked where he had looked for it. Jack replied that he had looked everywhere,

in the cabbage patch, between rows of beans, and even under the trees! But

then, he reasoned that he could not see it, probably as he had forgotten to

light his lantern!

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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