#Inspirational Moral Stories
It was a winter
morning when an Arab merchant set off on a long journey. He
had to stop at night
in the middle of the desert. There was no oasis or inn near
him. Pitching up a
small tent, he tied his camel outside, fed him and gave him
water to drink.
Then, he had his meal and went to sleep.
After some time, the
camel began to shiver. Unable to bear the cold any
longer, he called
out: ‘Master, can I put my head inside your tent? It’s too
cold outside.’ The
merchant, being a kind man, agreed. A little later, the
camel asked his
master if he could put his feet inside also. Again, the
merchant agreed.
Then, he pushed his whole body inside the tent and said:
‘Master, I think
this tent is too small for both of us. Why don’t you sleep
TAGS: language development in
children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories
to read for kids.