32. THE UNLUCKY ADVENTURES OF MR BOGEYMAN #Inspirational Moral Stories

32. THE UNLUCKY ADVENTURES OF MR BOGEYMAN #Inspirational Moral Stories

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32. THE UNLUCKY ADVENTURES OF MR BOGEYMAN #Inspirational Moral Stories


A rooster and a hen went to meet Mr Bogeyman, the person whom mothers

threaten to call if their children misbehave. Their friends, who were a cat, a

goose, an egg, a vase of flowers, a hatpin, and a needle, went along. Mr

Bogeyman was not at home. When Mr Bogeyman returned and went to light

the fireplace, the cat who was in the hearth leapt out! He went to wash his

face and got bitten by the goose, sitting on the water pump! As he dried his

face with his towel, he got covered by the egg that had settled on it! When he

sat on his chair to which the hatpin had attached itself, he got a jab! When he

went to lie down, the needle that was lying inside his pillow, pricked him! He

ran out of the house and the vase fell on his head! Waking up, the rooster

said: ‘Mr Bogeyman must have done some great wrong to be punished this


TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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