33. SNOW-WHITE AND ROSE-RED #Inspirational Moral Stories

33. SNOW-WHITE AND ROSE-RED #Inspirational Moral Stories

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33. SNOW-WHITE AND ROSE-RED #Inspirational Moral Stories


A widow lived in the woods with her two daughters, Snow-White and Rose-

Red, who were kind and lovely. A huge, black bear knocked at their door one

day. They were frightened but the bear said he only wanted to warm himself

by their fireside. The kind girls led him inside and they became good friends.

One day, the bear told them that he had to return to save his treasure from the

gnome. Months later, while gathering wood, the girls chanced upon a dark

cave. Inside it was an amazing pile of treasure! Suddenly, a gnome came and

said: ‘I’ll punish you for spying on me!’ He was about to hit them, when a

huge, black bear came and killed the gnome. As the girls trembled, the bear

spoke: ‘Snow-White and Rose-Red, it’s me, your friend!’ He shed his furry,

black skin and turned into a dashing prince. The gnome had turned him into a

bear and stolen his father’s treasure. The dashing prince married Snow-

White, while his equally dashing brother married Rose-Red!

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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