35. HOW HANS THE GIANT WAS CAUGHT IN THE WELL #Inspirational Moral Stories

35. HOW HANS THE GIANT WAS CAUGHT IN THE WELL #Inspirational Moral Stories

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35. HOW HANS THE GIANT WAS CAUGHT IN THE WELL #Inspirational Moral Stories


A young giant, Hans, worked for a greedy farmer, who made him work hard

but did not want to pay him for his services. The farmer and his wife told

Hans to go to the bottom of their well. They planned to kill him by dropping

a huge grindstone on him! The innocent and trusting Hans went to the bottom

of the well. But, they had to get the help of more than a dozen servants to get

the millstone near the well’s opening. All pushed hard till it fell down. Soon

there was a loud crash! Just as the miserly couple smiled happily at each

other, Hans came up with the millstone draped around his neck as a collar!

The farmer rushed to pay Hans the money that he had promised him.

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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