38. THE WISE SHEPHERD #Inspirational Moral Stories

38. THE WISE SHEPHERD #Inspirational Moral Stories

SHYAMPRASAD +91 8099099083
1 minute read


38. THE WISE SHEPHERD #Inspirational Moral Stories


Long, long ago, a shepherd was renowned for being very wise. The king put

him to the test, by asking him three questions. His first question was how

many drops of water the sea has! The shepherd replied: ‘Your majesty, once

you dam up all the world’s rivers so that they can’t enter the sea, I’ll be able

to tell you exactly how many drops of water exist in the sea.’ The king’s next

question was how many stars can be found in the sky! At this, the shepherd

took a pen and covered a huge roll of paper fully with dots. Then, he said:

‘Your majesty, if you count all the dots in this sheet, you’ll know how many

stars there are in the sky.’

The king’s last question was how many seconds exist in eternity! The

shepherd answered: ‘There is a mountain as broad as the sea, reaching the

stars in the sky. An eagle goes to this mountain once in a hundred years,

pecking it with his beak. One second of eternity will pass when the entire

mountain has been worn off by the eagle.’ The king praised the shepherd and

appointed him as his counsellor.


TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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