39. THE SNAKE AND THE EAGLE #Inspirational Moral Stories

39. THE SNAKE AND THE EAGLE #Inspirational Moral Stories

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39. THE SNAKE AND THE EAGLE #Inspirational Moral Stories


On a clear summer day, an eagle was flying high, scanning the ground below

for its prey. It spotted a snake, dove down and swooped on it. But the snake

had seen the eagle and gripped it hard. As the eagle struggled to free itself, a

farmer who was working nearby, saw this. He hit the snake hard with his axe,

missing its neck, but forcing the snake to release the eagle. The snake slinked

into the grass, and the eagle settled on a tree. When the farmer returned

home, the snake followed him. So did the eagle. On entering his kitchen, the

farmer poured out water in a glass, but went to wash his hands. The snake

quickly spat its poison into the water and slithered away. Just as the farmer

lifted the glass, the eagle knocked it out of his hands, making all the water

fall down. Little did the farmer know that the eagle had saved his life, just as

he had saved its life!

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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