41. THE MAGIC TABLE #Inspirational Moral Stories

41. THE MAGIC TABLE #Inspirational Moral Stories

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41. THE MAGIC TABLE #Inspirational Moral Stories


A cheerful, hard-working youth worked for a magician. Instead of paying

him money, the magician gave him a magic table. The youth would say: ‘Set

yourself,’ and the table would serve him all he wished for! The young lad

knew now that he would never go hungry, and decided to go home to his

father. On his way, he stopped at a tavern for the night. The owner couldn’t

serve any food, as he had had too many guests during the day. So, the lad

ordered his magic table to set itself. The tavern owner’s eyes popped out at

the rich feast on the table! At night, the greedy owner replaced the lad’s

magic table with an ordinary one that looked like it. The youth left with the

new table, which also served him well. For the magic lay not in the table, but

in the lad! In the meantime, when the tavern owner gave orders to the stolen

table, out came a stick and thrashed him soundly!

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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