44. THE EMPEROR’S THRUSH #Inspirational Moral Stories

44. THE EMPEROR’S THRUSH #Inspirational Moral Stories

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44. THE EMPEROR’S THRUSH #Inspirational Moral Stories


Once, in ancient China, all agreed that the thrush’s song was their most

splendid treasure. The emperor had not seen nor heard it, and commanded his

men to bring the thrush to him. He was disappointed to see an ordinary brown

bird, but when it sang, tears of joy filled the emperor’s eyes! This was the

biggest reward that the thrush could have asked for. Sometime later, the

emperor was gifted a mechanical thrush, with many bright feathers studded

with precious gems. A hidden switch in it could be turned on to make it sing.

It became everybody’s favourite, and the real thrush was set free.

After sometime, the spring inside the mechanical thrush broke down. Nobody

could repair it. The emperor could not sleep without hearing the thrush sing!

He became so sick that one night, the doctors feared he would die before the

morning. During that night, the real thrush came back, as it remembered the

emperor’s joyful tears when he had first heard it sing. As it sang, the emperor

recovered! In the morning, everyone found that the emperor was alive,

cheerful and energetic!

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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