45. THE BOY BORN WITH HIS SHIRT ON #Inspirational Moral Stories

45. THE BOY BORN WITH HIS SHIRT ON #Inspirational Moral Stories

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45. THE BOY BORN WITH HIS SHIRT ON #Inspirational Moral Stories


A king was inspecting his kingdom, when he learnt of a boy who had been

born wearing a shirt! He was told that the lad was lucky in everything and a

soothsayer had predicted that he would marry the princess of his land! The

king was unsure of such predictions. He wanted a rich and handsome son-inlaw.

But deciding not to take any chances, he ordered the lad to take a letter

to his queen at the palace.

The poor young boy ran hard, but when night fell, he had a long way to go.

Spotting a small cottage, he took permision to spend the night there. The

cottage belonged to a gang of robbers! While he slept, the gang leader

searched his belongings, and found the letter the king had written. He had

told the queen that the letter’s carrier should be put to death at once! Feeling

sorry for the lad, the gang leader imitated the king’s writing and wrote

another letter. This letter told the queen to let the letter’s carrier marry the

princess immediately! The boy awoke and took this letter to the queen. When

the king returned, he discovered that the soothsayer’s prediction had turned


TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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