49. THE IGNORANT PRINCE #Inspirational Moral Stories

49. THE IGNORANT PRINCE #Inspirational Moral Stories

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49. THE IGNORANT PRINCE #Inspirational Moral Stories


Once, in ancient India, a mighty ruler called the best of teachers to teach his

not very bright son. After some years, the prince proved that he had learnt all

that they had tried to teach him. But a wise old man said: ‘The prince has

learnt a lot about the past; a wise man should also know about the future.’

A fortune teller now came to teach the prince. Later, the wise old man tested

the prince. Showing something to the king and his courtiers in his hand, he

closed his fist and asked the prince to guess what was inside. Thinking hard,

he replied: ‘It is a round, hard, white object, with a hole. It’s a grindstone.’

Everyone laughed aloud. The description was right, but it was a tiny pearl!

The wise old man then told the prince that true wisdom does not mean

knowing everything, but putting to best use whatever knowledge one has.

TAGS: language development in children, Inspirational Moral Stories, very short stories with morals, stories to read for kids.

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